Be me, dreaming.
Look up at phone.
Phone says I’m 4 hours late for work.
Wake up
It’s 2 in the morning and I have 5 hours of sleep remaining.
Reading is hard in dreams and Mirrors/Displays turn into portals. It’s fascinating how similar it is to nerfs when they reconstruct reflections/mirrors and stable Diffusion when it writes “text”.
Idk, I’ve had all kinds of mirrors in my dreams. Portal mirrors, regular mirrors, you leave but your reflection doesn’t follow mirrors, creepy thing behind you reflection mirrors, only the background is different mirrors, and many books I’ve read from.
But come to think of it, never a smartphone.
Mobile phones haven’t been around long enough to be a part of the Dreamlands, wait a couple of decades, maybe a powerful Dreamer introduces them.
Not to mention a certain lord of dreams has been locked in a basement for 100 years or so.
Patch 1.2: Added mobile phones to Dreamlands
Alarm goes of in the morning. Someone is calling me. I pick up my phone to answer the call. Start speaking but the phone is still ringing. I hit the button again and again but it isn’t working. I wake up, with the alarm still going off next to me.
I have a recurring dream where I have trouble typing into my phone keyboard. Whatever I do, the text just won’t get in there. Sometimes it’s urgent. Other times I’m trying to show someone something and they’re watching me fail.
Yeah, the phone never works right in my dreams and I’m always very frustrated 😅
Your brain doesn’t have enough VRAM to keep the simulation humming when it comes to generating accurate text and numbers
That’s your cue to lucid dream and start flying
I did!
Not gonna tell you what I did though
Ordered takeout?
I have an infrequently recurring dream where I’m running late for work and I call in to say I’ll be late, and then I blink and hours have passed and I’m freaking out because apparently I was in a fugue state and I call in to work again to try and update them and the whole cycle repeats until I finally wake up.
You need a new job.
I have a recurring nightmare where something awful has happened and I can’t get my phone to work to call for help. It just doesn’t work the way it is supposed to, or there’s a glitch, or I forgot how to use it. It is oddly horrifying.
I’ve recently learned that all dreams are real, that everytime you imagine a scenario, you create various new universes where every possible thing that could have lead up to that scenario are retroactively played out in another universe for consistency.
Everytime a new person thinks of that scenario, even in passing, even subconciously, their soul visits that area. Even if no one else knows about it, thinking about a similar enough scenario creates new line that can pass by that same area.
Nothing is lost, all information is retained by an ever expanding universe that touches and shares its collected information with other universes.
Nothing is lost, everything is somewhere, and people can become strong enough to swap to anyone in any timeline we wish. We are all the same person in different forms except for those of us who are different actors playing the same character in someone else’s script.
Reaching Nivrana means you are not bond to one life and can freely hop around the timelines, even create new ones, be god of every reality you imagine, as creation becomes faster and easier. Win every encounter not with skill, but by changing timelines until you find one in your favor.
screams in forbidden existential knowledge
I’ve had entire dreams in the command line, which was fairly incredible to me at the time because I still couldn’t read the characters consistently, and was only taken aback at the strangeness of such after the fact. I had a sense of what the commands meant and I knew what I was doing (hacking the planet), but while I couldn’t read it I knew what the output felt like. Dreams are weird.
I think your brain spends more time focusing on the output of reading rather than the process of reading. So your dreams skip over that process and jump straight to the comprehension.
I have quite literally dreamed about running neo/fastfetch 😭
I also think I’ve never seen legible text in a dream. This “i know it’s text but can’t really read it” sounds a lot like the issues AI image generators have.
The rise of AI made me rethink many things about consciousness. It seem like our internal image generators and text generators are separate from “us” as in the “core personality”.
not being able to read was how batman realized he was in a induced dream state by the scarecrow in TAS. I’m pretty sure I’ve been able to read in dreams before but apparently it is a thing.
I’ve had this same feeling. Stable diffusion really got me.
You reminded me of when I was cramming for CCNA like 10 years ago, and had a really bad cold for which I was given Codeine.
My girlfriend at the time told me that I was rambling about “spanning tree” in my sleep.
Years back, when I was working helpdesk and was on overtime, I traveled to visit my long-distance girlfriend. The first night, I was so tired that I quickly fell asleep. Apparently, in my sleep, I kept asking her for her username so that I could log the ticket.
I dream a lot about car related stuff. Accidents, getting lost, losing the car.
I don’t ever have any of that happen IRL.
But yeah, never my phone, maybe once or twice a pc
I’m a school bus driver and I constantly dream about fucking up hard at work, like hitting cars, running over children and whatnot. There’s always a couple of minutes first thing every morning when I wake up where I sit and think about what else I’m going to do for a living before I realize it was just a dream.
Ha! My phone was in my dream just last night. I was stuck on the home screen. I could swipe to other screens, but, it bounced back to home screen. Restart, same problem. Funny to see this post today.
One time I had a dream where I saw something really cool happening (can’t remember what exactly) and I decided to take a picture with my phone to view it later.
I woke up disappointed that it wasn’t saved to my camera roll.
I cant believe nobody made an app that allows you to access photos you made in your dreams
Idk, ask the NSA if they have a copy of it
I’ve had dreams that are just me lying in bed scrolling on my phone. They feel 100% real until I wake up and realise the content I was looking at was unintelligible
I think the issue is that devices with screens are usually meant to be your window to experience something else. When you get immersed in something, you forget about the device and focus on the experience.
I like playing games, and when I get into a game the focus is on the game itself, not the controller/TV/etc. I’ve had dreams about games, but it’s always me experiencing the game directly and not focused at all on the details of how I’m accessing the game.
I think it’s the same with phone use, but the experiences we get on a phone are harder to imagine as a"direct experience". Things like sending a text message don’t convert well to a fully immersive experience, so I think our brain skips over them.
Hm I occasionally dream about getting messages or seeing/doing something on social media, but I never use a device when doing so. It’s just the isolated experience. It doesn’t happen very often but when it does it’s the only content of the dream.