For example:
- You can fly but you can never stop flying
- You can turn invisible, but never be seen again
Healing of all kinds. Ageing, sickness, and wounds.
I would want the superpower of linguistics: the ability to fluently read, speak, and understand any language ever spoken or will be spoken.
Shapeshifting. It’s what I wanted anyway and I can always just be continuously toggling the length of my little toenail to be 1mm longer or shorter.
Sixth sense/ Intuition
Never becoming deaf and always having good hearing. I’m not sure I’d be able to enjoy life anymore if I became deaf, so just having good hearing would make the rest of my life worth living, without any major side effects I could think of.
I would choose to have the power to turn off superpowers and then I’d try turning off my superpower and see what happens.
What if breathing is your superpower
No, I mean turning off the superpower of turning off superpowers that can’t be turned off.
I’d chose telekinesis. Heck man i’m sick of having only 2 hands and i’m lazy. I’m ready to use it everytime.
I would have the power to be naturally skilled at anything I do and having it always activated would be a bonus.
Jack of All Trades Activated
You are now naturally skilled at all tasks but will never be considered a master in any discipline
I’d take it. Truly mastering any single skill is almost certainly beyond my ability anyway.
I’m only okay at some things so being okay at all things is a total win.
This is pretty simple though right?
Healing factor - always-on healing.
Monkey Paw: Cancer cells also heal
What if there’s an earthquake and you get stuck under a mountain of rubble? Could take months for you to get out of there. How about a skiing accident involving an avalanche? Could take even longer. When you are completely immortal, you suddenly start to view certain risks in a very different way.
The power to see through clothing. Because it would remind me that no one is really important.
Umm… Sure that’s why you want that
God of Toilet Paper.
You might laugh, but I would own the world.
If you were in my favor, you would get the softest, never-chafing, cleanest single-wipe-clean TP ever. No matter what you ate, no matter how spicy, no matter how ill, you could be assured of pain-free, cooling, soothing, wipes. It would be beautiful. Rainbows and peace, no matter how violent the shit
Piss me off? Anything you choose to clean your backside with is then designated TP. I will clog all the toilets, all the plumbing, all the sewers. I can make it all gympie-gympie leaves, sandpaper, wax paper, or just vanish mid-wipe. No matter how much you wiped your already raw ass, there would still be more. I would be a scourge on the Earth, and all would have to bow down before me. You would love me. You would hate me.
He who controls the comfort of the sphincter, controls the world.
That lady that makes people explode by thought from they boys . I would only need it for a few hours then just keep it as backup just incase any more Nazi’s get anymore ideas. That includes the Russian ones as well.
more Nazis* get any *more ideas