Person posts funny in funny community. Because it’s funny. In a funny way.
Turns out that there’s not enough virtue signaling in the world.
If there’s anything I know about lemmy, it’s that every comment section will have someone trying to show off how high their horse is.
Jokes on them I don’t let my horse do any of my drugs
Definitely not me, I’m not that stupid!
The fact that they said, “Must be in mint condition.” Is pretty concerning. Who says that about a pet?
clearly it’s a joke
Is it? Some people can really be particular about the quality of a pet.
politicians(fucking Christ) Homeland Security Secretaries especially…
Maybe they are planning to find some flaw with the kitten as a pretense to haggle for a lower price
“This kitten has pre-existing curiosity, how am I supposed to insure it?”
Paying money to adopt an animal (beyond vet fees or similar health maintenance) seems insane to me. Don’t participate in the commercialization of animals.
Tbf the $10 is more so some crazy doesn’t scoop up a box of free kittens
Most places where I am located charge adoption fees etc (they go back to shelter for costs etc) to ensure whoever is adopting the animal is serious
By being a real person (not creepy and no nefarious purposes) most places and people will happily waive the fee to get the pet in the right home
Also buy shelter rescues! Screw “purebreed” “pets”
No no. Those pets are good boys and girls too. Screw the people that breed pets for money.
but by buying them you’re supporting them no?
That’s why you liberate them.
Some places won’t allow any adoptions for a few days before Halloween. The one in a town over didn’t let anyone adopt black cats for like 2 weeks in October.
adoption fees etc (they go back to shelter for costs etc)
Falls under “or similar health maintenance.”
The $10 is from someone trying to buy the kitten, which on its own is very suspicious.
My money would be on them feeding it to something.
That’s exactly how this reads
Then how are animal shelters like the Humane Society supposed to get the funding needed to exist?
Falls under “similar health maintenance.” I’m saying only pay money that supports the care and feeding (and vet care) of the animals. Don’t go to for-profit orgs.
The $10 “price” can easily be viewed as the fee. My rescue dog from the shelter was around
$170$90 I think. My friends bought a purebred dog for around $5,000. I agree with you, but I don’t this his is an example of that.Edit: Asked my wife what the price was.